Kamis, 17 April 2014

I miss my International Friends!

Our very first sleepover :) (2012)

Our very first PAX activity. Hiking at Adam Canyon. (2012)
Adam Canyon~
Take a break....take a pict!
It was Marko's birthday, so after we ate some piece of cakes, we took another pict!
Manon's Halloween Party! I should dress up that day -_- but I wasn't home before I went to her house. Darn it!
It was a really awesome days.
Gotta meet them once again, someday!

Family Picture

It has been almost a year since I was home.
Geez, man! I can't describe how I miss my host family sooooo freaking much!!


It was 2012, I brought my host-fam a 14 meters "BATIK" fabrics. Since Batik is Indonesian's, I bought them the fabric from here. I actually was going to buy the Batik clothes before I went to US. But, the thing was I wasn't really sure what size of clothes I should buy for them. That was why I thought it would be better if I could brought the fabric materials and sew it there.

My host-fam was surprised when I gave the fabric to them.

My mom was the one who sewed it, though. She was awesome! I couldn't believe that she could sew it really well. What a super MOM!

This is the Batik fabric :)
This is my mommy! :) She was working really hard for this. Wish I could help her that day...
Done cutting!
FINALLY! Our clothes done right on FALL. The color matched the season! Awesome!

Rabu, 10 April 2013

About yesterday and today

Hello my cutie sweetie blog!!
Guess what?? Yesterday I met Tyson after school :D yeay
I missed him so much, it has been a long time since second semester and I didn't take Spanish Class anymore then he came in front of me. I was so happy!

He's the kindest friend I've ever met!
So yesterday after my boring class period which was Algebra (oh well, Algebra is not boring, but my teacher was not there yesterday and so we had subs, and I didn't understand what did she explain me about -_-, that was why it was so boring).
Then after the bell rang, I went downstairs, then I heard a guy like screaming behind me,
"PUTRI !!! Is that you???!!" and I was like turning my head back and look at him, then
"OH MY GOSH!! Tyson!!! How are you??" Then we hugged each other,
he said, "I'm just tired so far, where have you been? you didn't take spanish anymore, you don't like Spanish Class?" while we were walking together to the parking lot.
and I said, "I do like Spanish Class, but I'm here just for a year, so I want to take different classes, yeah you know, for my experience :). So, you still take that class, huh?"
and he said, "Yeah, I want to go to college, and Spanish is one of the requirements, so that's why."
and I said, "Oh well, just take your time :). Hey you know what? I miss you!"
and he said, "Hey, I miss you too!! Are you waiting for someone to pick you up?"
and I said, "Yeah, how about you?"
and he said, "Ah, I drive myself with my car right there" while pointing his index finger to his car in the parking lot.
But I saw my host sister came and picked me up,
I said, "Oh, Ty, my sis arrived already, I've gotta go, see you later!"
He said, "See you, Putri!" Then he hugged me again. What a nice friend :)
Yeah, he's my good friend ever!

and today, today was good, nothing wrong so far,
There was a legion activity between 2nd and 3rd period, but I chose to go with Kelsie, India, Orien, Dave, and Ashley, but we went outside of school, haha
we went to Super Target, we didn't buy anything there, we just played around, *what the heck!!
it was so fun :D
I love them! They are all like my best friends! yeahhh

And tomorrow hopefully will be great too!! :)

Senin, 08 April 2013

Welcome Back Wepe!!

Yeah I'm cheering up myself after a short spring break, yeah I know it was more than 7 days, I know I am a nerd, but who cares? :p
So, I totally am starting my super brand new life, I am trying not to hesitate for anything, I really want to enjoy the rest months of my exchange year.

Today was the first day of school after Spring Break, I was so happy to meet my friends at school I was telling them about my spring break, color fest, and a lot of stuff.

My first class today was Sewing Class, you know what? I almost done with my bag! I am so excited!!

And in Gym class was so much fun too!
We played soccer, even if I got hurt twice -_-
but it was so much fun, so I played soccer with Derek, Sarah, Taylor, Rachel, Abby, Krista, Scott, Jill, Carlos, Trace, and Justin.

Jill and Abby are soccer player and they both are girls, AWESOME!
No wonder why whenever Abby kicked the ball and unintentionally hit me, it really hurts -_-
I still can see the scar until now. Wow.

When I got hurt the second one, Scott was right beside me, he was trying to get the ball to, but the ball hit me in my thigh, it really was hurt, then he asked me, "Putri, are you alright?" then he hug me and I said, "Oh yeah, I am fine, even it's kinda hurt, but don't worry, it'll disappear."
and he was like, "Okay, great!"
And a lot of fun things happened too in the game. I just LOVE IT!!

I really love today.
My best day ever!
Hopefully tomorrow will be the same :D
who knows? :D

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Utah's Hogle Zoo

My Spring break was awesome! I went to the Zoo several days ago.
I've been to the zoo in Indonesia before, but here, it was my first time!
A lot of animals that I've never seen before such as polar bear, giraffe, meadow bear, big tigers, and so on. The animals were so cute. I saw some huge TURTLES!!! I LOVE TURTLES :D and they were not hiding inside their house, yeayyy.

I really wanted Turtle dolls there, the staff sells some stuff animals dolls. I wanted to buy the TURTLE one, but I didn't have enough money that day T_T what the heck! oh well, here are the pictures!

This is Gorilla, not me, okay!

I like the statue :D



Sexy elephants~

Soooo african!

Told ya!

Aren't those cute?

Near by Lazy Rhinos' Cage :D
Ahh, look at 'em!
Rhino's statue :D

Noooo!!! MY TRAKE!!!

California Sea Lion. He was soooooo cute

Good to learn :)
Polar Bear *Ahhh, I wanted him to wake up!

Bear Meadow
Polar Bear Statue!

He's so cute!

Near by Giraffes!

Big cats!

That kid might think I was a weirdo -_-

Pretty Peacock!
Yeah!! Family picture :)

Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Osaka Sushi

Yesterday was Zack's birthday :)
So, yesterday we had dinner at Osaka Sushi, because Zack loves Sushi, and we love sushi either :)
We ordered different kind of Sushi. It was sooooooo delicious!!

And here are the photos from yesterday :)

These are so yum!

They are so yummy either!!

Mom, Zack, and Me :D

Look at my plate :D hehe

Zack and Me *P.S. Mom's thumb -_-

Their plates still empty, so no wonder they actually were starving -_-

haha, Kiley is awesome! lol

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Another Good Day

Today is Zack's birthday. Happy birthday my big host brother Zachary!! :)

Pas pulang sekolah, gue mampir ke kelas Ms. Merrell, biasa ngobrol sebentar sambil nunggu di jemput.
Nah, Beliau kenal sama kakak angkat gue yang kebetulan alumni Layton High gitu,
jadi gue bilang ke beliau kalau hari ini dia ultah,
trus beliau ngasih note buat dia lewat gue.

Eh pas dia jemput gue, dia berpikiran buat say Hi ke Ms. Merrell,
jadi kita malah ngobrol bareng  di kelas. Wah asik banget.
Satu jam cuma buat ngobrol tau nggak :D hhehe
asik banget,
trus gue berharap banget supaya bisa pake tassel dan baju graduation bulan Juni,
di bantu Ms. Merrell,
tapi nggak tau deh,
gue juga nggak bisa berharap banyak,
karena kalo itu menentang peraturan district, gue juga gak bisa apa-apa :'
gue nggak peduli sama diploma,
gue nggak perlu jalan di atas karpet di hari kelulusan.
yang gue mau cuma,
gue dianggap sama seperti murid yang lain, yang bisa pake seragam graduation plus tassel.
That is it!

But over all, today is another good day for me :)