Hello my cutie sweetie blog!!
Guess what?? Yesterday I met Tyson after school :D yeay
missed him so much, it has been a long time since second semester and I
didn't take Spanish Class anymore then he came in front of me. I was so
He's the kindest friend I've ever met!
yesterday after my boring class period which was Algebra (oh well,
Algebra is not boring, but my teacher was not there yesterday and so we
had subs, and I didn't understand what did she explain me about -_-,
that was why it was so boring).
Then after the bell rang, I went downstairs, then I heard a guy like screaming behind me,
"PUTRI !!! Is that you???!!" and I was like turning my head back and look at him, then
"OH MY GOSH!! Tyson!!! How are you??" Then we hugged each other,
said, "I'm just tired so far, where have you been? you didn't take
spanish anymore, you don't like Spanish Class?" while we were walking
together to the parking lot.
and I said, "I do like Spanish Class,
but I'm here just for a year, so I want to take different classes, yeah
you know, for my experience :). So, you still take that class, huh?"
and he said, "Yeah, I want to go to college, and Spanish is one of the requirements, so that's why."
and I said, "Oh well, just take your time :). Hey you know what? I miss you!"
and he said, "Hey, I miss you too!! Are you waiting for someone to pick you up?"
and I said, "Yeah, how about you?"
and he said, "Ah, I drive myself with my car right there" while pointing his index finger to his car in the parking lot.
But I saw my host sister came and picked me up,
I said, "Oh, Ty, my sis arrived already, I've gotta go, see you later!"
He said, "See you, Putri!" Then he hugged me again. What a nice friend :)
Yeah, he's my good friend ever!
and today, today was good, nothing wrong so far,
was a legion activity between 2nd and 3rd period, but I chose to go
with Kelsie, India, Orien, Dave, and Ashley, but we went outside of
school, haha
we went to Super Target, we didn't buy anything there, we just played around, *what the heck!!
it was so fun :D
I love them! They are all like my best friends! yeahhh
And tomorrow hopefully will be great too!! :)